Chapter Two: Let the Chaos Begin:

The snow is falling fast. It’s time to go nuts. Who is going to make the first move? The interns already had plans. Soot grinned to himself as he looked out the window. He had been waiting for this. The boy turned to his fellow interns.

“Boys!” he said. “This is the day!” The other interns didn’t look up for this. Bemmer and Daisuke looked like they had just woken up. Mandy had her arms folded across her chest. Soot frowned.

“Come on, everyone!” he said. “What is this?”

“I just want to go back to sleep,” Bemmer said. Soot’s face dropped. You just got up, man.

“But it’s snowing!” he shouted instead.

“So?” the other intern asked. The “leader” rubbed his forehead. This was going to take work. Time to take a different tactic. Soot lifted his chin.

“Okay, look,” he said. “You guys can go back to sleep if you agree to help me cause chaos around campus later. Okay?” His team doesn’t respond at first. Soot tried to dig into his brain for another way to motivate them. Bemmer threw his hand up into the air.

“Whatever,” he muttered. He turned and walked back to bed. Soot stuck up his middle finger at his back. Soot turned his attention back to Daisuke and Mandy.

“Guys?” he asked. Daisuke yawned.

“I’m sleepy,” he said. He turned and walked back to his dorm. That just left Mandy and Soot together. She snorted at him.

“You’re an idiot,” she said. Mandy turned and walked back to her dorm. Soot clicked his tongue and flipped them both off.

“Screw you guys!” he shouted. He turned and walked out. Looked like he was going to have to look for a new crew to start up the chaos.

Don’t worry. Crazy will be on its way. Hang in there.