Chapter Three: War is Beginning:

The war is coming. This is the second one. What is it with snow and wars? Who is it this time? They are… And you aren’t going to believe this… Jack Frost VS. Frosty. Oh, stop laughing! That is really their names. So how did this come about? We are going to have to back up to last year. Do you want the long version or the short version? Does it matter? No? Let’s get on with it then.

Jack Frost. They wear all-black. Black with sunglasses. What? Were you expecting blue or white? Ha! Lame! Jack Frost do everything with style. They are the bad boys of winter. Don’t laugh. That’s how they present themselves. They know what and how they are. They don’t care. They are going to be the kings. However, their rivals are going to knock them off the top. This is why they have to go to war.

And what about Frosty? Hold on. We’re getting there.

Frosty. They are the other side of this foolish war. They wear all-white. Yeah, you can see where this is going. Are you rolling your eyes yet? Hold on, it’s about to get worse. Frosty act all snorty and proper. There’s just something about the snow that makes them act this way. They are in love with beauty itself. Jack Frost is not beautiful. They are an eyesore, in fact. They have to go. Frosty is going to be the king this year. They came close last year. Frosty are going to see to it that will change. This is why they have to go to war.

Nobody won last year. That war got broken up by the police. This year will be different. Both sides are pushing to be on top with no interruptions. The time has come to go to war.

So, whose side are you on?

Soot walked up to the clubhouse door and knocked.