Chapter Five: Doubts:

“Are you really that worried about them?”

“Does it show?”


“Don’t worry. Maybe it won’t be that bad this year.”

“Do you really believe that?”



“There’s no use worrying about it. We will just have to wait and see.”


“Why do you say it like that?”

“You know why.”

“Okay, okay. But what are you going to do about it?”

“I don’t know!”

“Aw, come here.”

“Mmm. You’re just going to keep me in bed with you all day, aren’t you?”



“Nope. I’m not going to let you go.”

“But what if someone calls us?”

“Let it go to voice mail.”


“I’m not letting you up. We’re going to stay in bed all day today. Let the others deal with the problems today, okay?”


“Is it working?”

“It doesn’t matter what I say, does it?”


“<Sigh> Fine.”

“Love you.”

“Yeah, yeah.”