World Shut Your Mouth

It just keeps piling up, doesn’t it? Lewis looked over her shoulder at her niece.

“How long are you planning to stay here?” she asked. Kat didn’t answer. Lewis sighed and rolled her eyes. She turned around to face her niece.

“You can’t keep doing this, you know?” she said. “What will you do when I die?” Kat looked up at her but said nothing. The farmer sighed and sat down next to the younger woman on the couch.

“Look, I am trying to be understanding here,” she said. “But how many times have we done this?” The young woman didn’t answer. Lewis rubbed her forehead.

This couldn’t keep going.


Annie and Tucker watched from behind the counter. Aisha, Clyde, and Muriel sat around a table.

“Are you going to ask them or are you going to make me do it?” Tucker asked. Annie looked up at him.

“Oh come on,” he said. “We both know how this is going to go.” His wife didn’t say a word. Tucker sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Fine,” he said. “I will do it.” Tucker came from around the counter and walked over to the table.

Aisha looked up to see Tucker walking over their table. He put of a smile on his face. The leader raised her eyebrow.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Hello. How is everyone today?” Tucker asked.

“Good,” Aisha said.

“Fine,” Muriel said, nodding.

“Good!” Clyde practically shouted. Tucker looked at the table of old biddies.

“Where is Lewis?” he asked. The women were quiet for a second.

“She’s not here with us,” Aisha said.

“She’s at home,” Muriel said.

“Oh,” Tucker said. “Dealing with Kat?”

“Yes,” the old biddies said. His face dropped.

“Oh…” he said. Tucker turned back to his wife. Annie had nothing to say. She turned and walked back to the kitchen. Her husband was going to be on his own for this one.

“Anything we can get you?” he asked.

“Tea,” the old women said.

“Coming up,” Tucker said. He turned and walked back to the kitchen as well.


Meanwhile, William had his own problems. He was woken up with his phone ringing from the kitchen. He growled and turned over in bed. This again?

“I’ve got it!” Clover shouted from down the hall. William already knew what was coming next. Liz’s ex would be trying to call again. She would get on the phone and start another fight with him. Then Liz would run off crying. William rolled his eyes and turned over in bed. That kid. Why doesn’t take a hint? He pulled his pillow over his head. The old man didn’t feel like getting up and dealing with it again. Let Clover solve it this time. William fought to go back to sleep as he heard his niece trying to convince the person on the other line that Liz was still asleep.

It wasn’t his problem anymore.


Lewis looked up when she heard a knock on her door. The farmer’s face dropped. This again?

“Who is it?” Kat asked.

“No one,” Lewis said. “Let me deal with this.” Her niece nodded. The farmer sighed and stood up. Might as well get this over with fast. Here they go again. Lewis sighed to herself. Why did she have to be pulled into this drama all over again? The farmer opened the door.

“Oh…” she said in a confused voice.


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