Under the Big Black Sun

William walked up to Muriel’s door and knocked. He paced around because the door opened. Muriel gave him a strange look.

“Bill?” she asked. “What are you doing here?” The old man gritted his teeth.

“Don’t call me that,” he said.

“Okay, what’s the problem?” she asked. William looked around for a long moment.

“Are you busy right now?” he asked.

“No,” she said with an eyebrow raised. “Why?”

“Great!” William said. He shoved her aside and went inside. Muriel whipped her head around.

“William!” she shouted. “What are you doing?!” He looked up at her with big eyes.

“Oh…” she mumbled.

“I don’t know how to act around him!” he said. Muriel blinked at him, confused. He’s never really like this.

“Why does he scare you so much?” she asked.

“Yes!” William shouted. His friend looked so confused.

“Okay…” she said. The old man walked over to her couch and flopped down. He put his hand over his eyes. Muriel stood in the doorway, blinking. What am I supposed to do now?


Clover and Liz walked into the Sunny Plum. Annie and Tucker looked up.

“Hello, ladies,” Tucker said. How are you today?” But then a puzzled look came onto his face.

“Where’s William?” he asked. Annie turned her head. Liz and Clover looked at each other for a moment.

“We left him napping back at home,” Clover said.

“With Michael?” Tucker asked.

“Yes,” Liz said, nodding. “Is that wrong?”

“No!” the couple were quick to said. “No, not at all!” The couple stared at them awkwardly.

“So what’s the special for today?” Clover asked.

“Uh… shepherd’s pie?” Annie asked. Tucker turned his head with a confused look on his face. The sisters looked at each other.

“Do you have anything lighter?” Liz asked.

“Let me see,” the older woman said. She pulled out a menu from the side and started looking at the food items on the lunch menu. Tucker had to force himself to grin. Wasn’t anyone going to tell Liz the truth? No? Okay then…

Meanwhile, Liz tossed back her hair behind her right ear.


“I don’t know how much more I can take of this,” William complained. Muriel tilted her head.

“What exactly is wrong with Michael?” she asked. He rose his head, frowning.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked.

“Well, yeah… I guess…” the old biddy said. Her eyes shifted back and forth. William smacked his lap.

“That’s it!” he shouted. “It has to end! I am going to break them up!”

“Uh… Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Muriel asked.

“What choice do I have?” he asked. “I can’t even stand to be in the room with him. Michael has got to go!” He looked at her with big eyes. Then came that question that she dreaded him asking.

“Can’t you help me?” William asked. Muriel struggled to answer when the doorbell rang.

“I’ve got it!” she shouted. The old biddy turned and ran to her front door. She opened it, panting. Aisha, Clyde, and Lewis stood outside. The leader raised her eyebrow.

“Muriel, what’s the matter?” she asked. Their friend took a deep breath.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” she said. “I need your help!” Her friends looked confused.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Lewis asked. Muriel looked behind her into her house as the color drained from her face. William sat on the couch, looking at Muriel and her friends.
