Snow Dayz

Chapter One: First Snow Day:

It’s snowing today. School will be closed today. So, what is there to do? Sleeping is one thing. Playing in the snow. Staying inside. Maybe causing some mischief.

Noiz looked out the window. She already knew what coming next. Best to brace herself and say her prayers.

“Noiz-sama!” she heard behind her. The kitty sighed and forced herself to smile.

“Coming!” she said. She turned and walked to the bed. Mosh smiled as he laid next to her. But then his smile dimmed.

“What’s wrong?” he asked. Noiz shook her head.

“It’s nothing,” she said. Mosh took her by the cheeks.

“Come on,” he said. The kitty rolled her eyes and sighed.

“It’s nothing, really,” she said. Noiz started to look out the window. The mouse boy looked with her.

“Are you worried about out there?” he asked.

“You can tell?” she asked. “I just don’t want to know about that crazy coming our way.” Her mind went back to last year. That was so much of a headache to clean up when the snow started to melt. Property damage, plenty of therapy, and talking people out of pressing charges. And that was all from what happened in the morning. Noiz shook her head. The snow always brought out the crazy around here. Mosh looked out the window.

“Aw, don’t worry,” he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Maybe it won’t be so bad this time.” Noiz looked over at him. That was not too reassuring.

With that being said, let’s take a look at what’s going on out in the snow around campus.